Page name: torture rp [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-30 19:36:18
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
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Well, I decided that we should have an rp here. It could be fun, after all, to have a bunch of insane sadists and masochists rping together. So, have at it!

Ahead of you is the Castle, an old monstrous building rumored to be haunted. And yet, there is music playing somewhere, A gentle, sweet tune that comforts you and makes you want to explore. You enter the old castle and, to your surprise, the lights are on and the fireplace is lit. You follow the sound of music down the hall, down the stairs, and to a closed door. You could swear you heard whispers as you approached, but when you stop in front of the door, all you can hear is the music. You summon up your courage and open the door to a room. But not just any room, you have just revealed the torture room..........

Inside the Castle:
Blood castle

Outside the Castle:
blood forest

Map of Blood Castle

Torture Room2 - archive

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2007-11-15 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hey! you put masochists on the top! yay you!

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: lol, i know. I actually remembered the name this time.

2007-11-16 [Eyonic]: someone should rp......

2007-12-11 [Rook.]: *waves* i'll do it too!!!

2007-12-11 [Eyonic]: yay!!!!!

2007-12-11 [Rook.]: *grins*

2007-12-11 [Eyonic]: be back in 45 mins.

2007-12-11 [Rook.]: kk....i'll be making my room next to yours. then i'll make a map of the mansion for you to color, kk??

2007-12-11 [Eyonic]: okiday!!!!!! that would be simply wonderful! also, could you see if you can find us some more rpers?

2007-12-12 [Sir Riddle]: interesting..., do you have some spare room for one more???

2007-12-12 [Rook.]: ^^ *huggles Riddle* of course!!!! go to room of torture, then go to my room :Poe's Room

2007-12-12 [Sir Riddle]: and then?

2007-12-12 [Rook.]: just go there and type in the coment box....i'll get you a character, then you can join us ^^

2007-12-12 [Eyonic]: oooooo, riddle, you want to edit your character and complete it?

2007-12-12 [Sir Riddle]: I'm finished^^^

2007-12-12 [Eyonic]: yay!!!!!!!!! join the fun riddle!

2007-12-12 [Sir Riddle]: I can be cruel..., you can count on that...

2007-12-12 [Eyonic]: that be very very very good!

2007-12-12 [Sir Riddle]: that's what we're doing here, am I right?

2007-12-12 [Eyonic]: but of course! everyone needs a place to be cruel, and this is the place!

2007-12-12 [Rook.]: ^^ lol

2007-12-12 [Sir Riddle]: I quite agree...

2007-12-12 [Eyonic]: ^-^

2007-12-12 [Sir Riddle]: ok..., I don't know what to put into my room...

2007-12-12 [Eyonic]: well, you can look at mine and Poe's rooms and then have at it!

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: ^^ yes....but try to make it less, ummm, feminine, however sinister our rooms may be...

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-12-13 [Sir Riddle]: feminine it is^^^ XD

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: *glares at Riddle* no, your room is going to be a male room, and ours is slightly that??? *smiles and laughs* lets just say you will be severly mocked if it ends up a girls room.....

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: lol, very muchly so

2007-12-13 [Sir Riddle]: you really think I'm afraid of 2 girls???

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: not at all, lol, but we will eventually get more members.....

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: yes, you should be afraid of us 2 girls.....^^ we're special...

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: lol, yes, We are!

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: ^^

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: tehehehehehe

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: :P lol

2007-12-13 [Sir Riddle]: prove it..., I don't really feel afraid...

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: hmmm, how shall we fulfill this challenge Poe?

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: ^^ meanie.....

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-12-13 [Sir Riddle]: I'm not nice..., and since this a place for cruelty..., I love being mean...^^^

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: yup yup yup

2007-12-13 [Sir Riddle]: but you're taking the challenge???

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: *hugs Riddle* what challenge?? i love challenges!! so, i'll take it ^^

2007-12-13 [Sir Riddle]: the challenge is that you two must prove that I must be afraid of you two...

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: Ahhhhh, yes. That.....
*thinks* i have six siblings for starters, am not afraid of dares....and have stared down the devil and won....ergo him making me his queen...remember Cykes dear?? ^^

2007-12-13 [Sir Riddle]: ah..., that pleasant time in hell..., good times... good times...

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: *pokes and laughs* ^^

2007-12-13 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: ^^

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: hey, I had to do something in my holiday...

2007-12-14 [Rook.]: i was forced down there ^^

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: of course you were!!! I wanted to talk to the person who sinned so much^^^

2007-12-14 [Rook.]: *gasps and pokes* you meanie!!

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: *shows business card* professional meanie, at your service^^^

2007-12-14 [Rook.]: ^^ *laughs* hahaha, cute...i thought you were a professional confuser....

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: *shows other side* I am...

2007-12-14 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-12-14 [Rook.]: ^^ okay, i see now....

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: I have a third side too...

2007-12-14 [Eyonic]: really? that's odd.......

2007-12-14 [Rook.]: *stares* a third side?? where?!? i would like to see!!

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: *twists business card, then shows third side* I'm the God of mischief and deceit, Loki, a pleasure to meet you... *bows*

2007-12-14 [Rook.]: *smiles* I forgot about that side of you, Loki ^^

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: well, you still don't know half about that side..., then again..., nobody does..., not even me...

2007-12-14 [Rook.]: *thinks* hmmmm.....i suppose your right....

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: (to everybody here) you can all still ask me 5 questions!!!(which I have to answer in all honesty...)

except for you poe..., you only have one left...^^^

2007-12-14 [Rook.]: *sighs* oh, darn....only one left, huh??? *thinks* do you have any pets??

2007-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: yup..., two lizards..., leopard-geckos, about 15 cm or 6.6 inches...

2007-12-14 [Eyonic]: awwww, cute!

2007-12-15 [Sir Riddle]: very..., they eat crickets...^^^ XD

2007-12-15 [Rook.]: ^^ i have a dog and a cat.....i used to have, like, seven lizards....but htey all died of old age...and i used to have three frogs...and fish....but old age took them.....^^ or maybe my cat did...>_>

2007-12-15 [Sir Riddle]: 7 lizards..., I'm jealous..., what types were they? and I love cats^^^

2007-12-15 [Rook.]: ^^ i do too! ummm....they were anoles...i think....

2007-12-15 [Sir Riddle]: nice..., I want to have a snake in the end..., preferably a cobra..., shame they are illegal...

2007-12-15 [Eyonic]: isn't it though? I cant even begin to imagine why......

2007-12-15 [Eyonic]: have you guys looked at the map of torture manor yet?

2007-12-16 [Sir Riddle]: we have a map?

2007-12-16 [Eyonic]: yup yup

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: ^^ I'll look right now!!

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: it looks good...

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: ^^ i know!! i checked....

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: and we both commented XD

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: ^^ i know!! i

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: ^^^

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: ^^ lol

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: but you didn't comment on my comment that was commenting your comment...

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: nevermind..., you just did...XD

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: ^^ *laughs and pokes*

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: *pokes back, then stops, then looks at your feet* you're not wearing shoes...

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *looks down* so?? *looks up, eyes wide trying not to smile* oh dear....

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif> *carefully chooses position*

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *starts to back off, then turns and darts to the left*

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: *makes a giant leap towards your position, grabs onto something* I got you!!! *looks at object in hands* oh..., just a sock...

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *laughs and backs up, then bumps into a wall* oops^^ looks around, then runs to the left again, running into a corner* ok...nowthis is an ooops moment....

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: *walks after you casually, grinning, then closes fence behind him* there's no escape...

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *looks around* we have a fence??? *sees Riddle* uh-oh...

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: we not only have a fence..., we have magic walls too^^^ *generates a poe-proof magic wall around them*

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *tries to walk through the wall* oof! *falls on her back and looks up* now here's an 'uh-oh, that probably wasn't the smartest move to make' moment....

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: yup^^^

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *sits with her feet under her* so.....*looks around* what's up?? *tries to stall*

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: *grins broadly, then suddenly sits down besides you* well..., nothing much..., it's freezing ouside and I'm amusing myself herre^^^

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *looks at you confused* i am confused, but happy that my feet are out of danger....*leans aagainst your arm* well, its snowing here, which i am very happy about. I went out in it in my pajamas today. that was fun. and i am being amused her....which is even more fun. ^^

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: *grins* who says your feet are out of danger...? it hasn't been snowing here yet..., I hope it will soon...

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *backs away, still sitting* oh, no....*sits on feet on the opposit4e side of the box* anyway...i love the snow!

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: *grins some more* you know you can't escape..., as long as you keep talking, nothing will happen...

snow is cold though...

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: *shuts up and sits patiently*

2007-12-17 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-12-17 [Rook.]: ^^ lol *continues to sit patiently, rocking back and forth*

2007-12-17 [Eyonic]: why?

2007-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: you should be talking..., not being quiet...^^^ now your feet are in danger!

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